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Should All States Remove Non-Citizens and Felons From Voter Rolls?

Should All States Remove Non-Citizens and Felons From Voter Rolls?

Here’s The Scoop

In a bold move to protect the sanctity of our elections, Texas has successfully removed thousands of non-citizens and felons from its voter rolls since a crucial 2021 law was enacted to safeguard the state’s elections.

Governor Greg Abbott proudly announced yesterday that over 1 million ineligible voters have been purged from Texas’s rolls, thanks to Senate Bill 1. This sweeping cleanup has effectively removed more than 6,500 non-citizens and over 6,000 felons who had no place in influencing the democratic process of the Lone Star State.

“Election integrity is essential to our democracy,” stated Abbott. “I have signed the strongest election laws in the nation to protect the right to vote and to crack down on illegal voting. These reforms have led to the removal of over one million ineligible people from our voter rolls in the last three years, including non-citizens, deceased voters, and individuals who moved out of state.”

Abbott underscored his commitment to preserving the integrity of Texas elections, asserting, “We will continue to actively safeguard Texans’ sacred right to vote while also aggressively protecting our elections from illegal voting.” It’s clear that this vigilant process is far from over, with ongoing efforts to maintain the purity of the voter rolls.

Beyond non-citizens and felons, the cleanup also ousted more than 457,000 deceased individuals and over 134,000 individuals who had moved away from Texas. This meticulous effort to keep the voter rolls accurate ensures that every legitimate vote counts.

The significance of this cleanup cannot be overstated, especially as Texas has increasingly become a battleground state in recent elections. For instance, in the 2018 midterms, Republican Senator Ted Cruz narrowly defeated Democrat Beto O’Rourke by just over 200,000 votes, highlighting the critical importance of election integrity.

Texas isn’t alone in this battle for clean elections. Virginia Governor Glenn Youngkin recently followed suit by removing 6,300 non-citizens from his state’s voter rolls via an executive order. This decision underscores a growing national movement to address concerns that mass illegal immigration could undermine the foundation of American elections.

Prominent voices like Elon Musk have also raised alarms, accusing the Democratic Party of leveraging illegal immigration to expand their political influence, including the contentious practice of counting illegal immigrants in Congressional district apportionment.

Governors Abbott and Youngkin are leading the charge to ensure that only eligible American citizens have the sacred right to vote, standing firm against any attempts to dilute the power and integrity of each legitimate ballot. This proactive stance is crucial for maintaining the trust and fairness of our democratic process.

What do you think? Let us know by participating in our poll, or join the discussion in the comment section below!




  1. Thomas E Ewing

    September 1, 2024 at 7:32 pm

    This should have been nationwide since 1776! Misfits should NEVER vote!

    • Bruce Weaver

      September 3, 2024 at 8:01 am

      Misfits”? Criminals and Non Citizens.

    • Anthony R Napolillo

      September 3, 2024 at 8:24 am

      DITTO!!! Don’t overlook the DEMONRATS! Motto and Creed – plausible deniability onward to blatant lying!

    • Ellen Lerner

      September 3, 2024 at 1:14 pm

      I agree 100% Our democracy is being eroded under the Democrats.

  2. Paul Stutz

    September 3, 2024 at 7:59 am

    This is already the law. In the Consititution No noncitizen of the United States is allowed to vote in any federal election. Certain Democratically controlled states have userped the Consitution by allowing non citizens and Felons to ballot in their state saying its only for State elections. Felons are always suppose to lose their rights under the law to ballot. It is part of the punishment for knowingly committing a felony. Places such as Chicago, and probably other Democratic conrolled cities, it is a standard voting practice,that is known about, as the Democratic Party wakes up the dead to place a democratic ballot in the voting box no matter how old they are or what politial party they belonged to prior to their official death.
    Knowing where the roots of the Democratic Party started, in the deep south after the Civil War, their terrorist activity against Black former slaves, their organization extended all the way up into the 1960’s as a totally self centered, egotistical, racist and radical organization. On the other hand the GOP represented the Northern Values in which minorities and all others were accepted and treated as equals until the Democratic Party’s roots started extending into those areas like Chicago, Detroit, Cleveland, New York, Memphis, where the parties members started taking over and destroying each and every city, promising everything to get votes yet leaving the minority issues to flounder between elections, putting them on a never ending cycle of welfare, destroying the educational system to keep minorities and others from receiving the education necessary to raise themselves up, and leaving them little chance to break out of the endless welfare system. As a result in order to survive some of the welfare system started doing illegal activities on an expotential scale just to make ends meet. In my opinion this was allowed to flurish in order for the Democratic Party to continue to tighten the knot of relied upon welfare benefits for votes. The very threat of any program to decrease welfare benefits keeps the uneducated minorities who are the major population of big cities voting Democratic.

    • Wendell K Humphries

      September 3, 2024 at 9:07 am

      The exclusive of felons from voting is not inscribed in federal law its purely in state laws and not abided by all states. So having citizens be taxed w/o the ability to have representation is ok, by your opinion. An ex-felon who has completed their sentence should have no restrictions on their right to vote period. This is purely states who want to limit certain racial groups from voting as they are incarcerated at 3-5 times more that the white population whereas the studies show the white population commits the same amount of crime.

  3. Bob

    September 3, 2024 at 9:25 am

    Let’s pressure all the governors, especially Red State governors, to do the same. Amazing that they haven’t already done it. Maybe we need to replace them as well.

  4. GIGI

    September 3, 2024 at 12:26 pm


    • Robin Tillett

      September 8, 2024 at 7:10 am

      So they can cheat !!

  5. Ed Pelton

    September 3, 2024 at 1:36 pm

    Removing the illegals from the voting poles should have been done years ago. About time this is happening now when there is so much turmoil going on in Washington now!!!!!!!!!

  6. David

    September 3, 2024 at 2:45 pm

    This is a must and should be reported as how many on
    Yearly requirement for the public can know actions are

  7. Jerry C.

    September 3, 2024 at 9:01 pm

    Ex-felons committed crimes for which they were sentenced and served their time. Once their sentence is up ALL of their Rights MUST be returned to them, including the Right to Vote.

  8. Don

    September 4, 2024 at 9:49 am

    AND politicians who do not remove them and return them back across the border jailed forever.

  9. Kevin l

    September 4, 2024 at 10:35 am

    YES only a person with their head up their reared it’s a know brained

  10. David

    September 8, 2024 at 7:44 am

    No Non-Citizen of the United States is allowed to vote in any federal election. Ex-Felon’s that have done there time & are off parolee without incident should absolutely be allowed to vote. They made a mistake & paid for it, that doesn’t make their vote any less important.

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