Should President Trump’s Re-Election Be Seen as America’s Last Chance to Return to Its Judeo-Christian Roots?

Should President Trump’s Re-Election Be Seen as America’s Last Chance to Return to Its Judeo-Christian Roots?
Here’s The Scoop
Just days before President Donald Trump is set to take the oath of office as the 47th president, Pastor Robert Jeffress of First Baptist Church in Dallas, Texas, shared his heartfelt “gratitude to God” for Trump’s re-election and his optimism for America’s future.
Pastor Jeffress, a prominent faith leader, expressed what many evangelicals, conservative Catholics, and Jews are feeling—a deep sense of relief and gratitude. “There’s a very real sense that our country has been in a downward spiral the last four years, mainly due to our departure from the Judeo-Christian foundation of our nation,” said Jeffress in an interview with Fox News Digital. For many, Trump’s re-election symbolizes a divine opportunity for America to correct its course and reclaim its values.
Jeffress pointed to several key issues that have caused confusion and concern among people of faith over the past four years. These include the embrace of the transgender agenda, which he argues is confusing our children, and a wavering stance on Israel, our steadfast ally in the Middle East. He also criticized extreme environmental policies that may have exacerbated rather than prevented disasters. With Trump returning to the White House, Jeffress believes people of faith are hopeful and ready to offer their prayers for his success.
The pastor, who has a longstanding friendship with Trump, emphasized the importance of prayer for all leaders, regardless of political affiliation. He noted that he had previously called for prayers for President Biden, underscoring the biblical mandate to pray for those in authority.
Jeffress is confident in Trump’s ability to unite the country, despite political differences. “I think people are going to be pleasantly surprised at the unity that he creates,” Jeffress said. He believes that Trump’s leadership will benefit not just Republicans, but all Americans.
While Jeffress holds no official advisory role, he cherishes his informal friendship with Trump and admires his dedication to the nation. “There’s no sane reason he would give up a life of luxury to do this,” Jeffress remarked, highlighting Trump’s genuine love for America and his willingness to risk his life for the country’s betterment.
Jeffress also addressed the challenges facing America, including the devastating wildfires in California. He urged people to focus on the divine truths about God—His love, sovereignty, and power to bring good out of adversity. By holding onto these truths, Jeffress believes Americans can navigate through life’s storms and emerge stronger on the other side.
As the senior pastor of a 16,000-member church and a Fox News contributor, Jeffress continues to inspire with his message of faith and hope. His radio and television programs reach audiences nationwide and around the world, spreading the message of America’s potential for greatness through a renewed commitment to God.
What do you think? Let us know by participating in our poll, or join the discussion in the comment section below!

Jeff Lines
January 24, 2025 at 4:39 pm
I feel we need to reaffirm the United States is a Christian country. As such, we also believe in freedom of religion which possibly needs to be clearly defined as the right to hold any belief as long as that belief does not call for the extermination or harm of to Christians. If it does, then those who hold that belief can not be citizens. (i.e. if they can’t respectfully condone those who do not believe as they do, your out). In addition, it needs to be affirmed that freedom of religion does not mean government agencies must stay free of any Christian symbols and with regard to Christian holidays, government agencies are allowed to have Christian appropriate Christian displays. Non-Christian displays meant to “counter” Christian displays should not be allowed. But I would also like to see religious intolerance addressed in some form and the churches need to focus more on that aspect … that we need to all become more tolerant of those who may believe differently.
January 25, 2025 at 9:37 am
Well stated, Jeff.
Jerry C.
January 24, 2025 at 7:58 pm
What an idiotic question! The United States is NOT a Judeo-Christian country, nor should it be. It is a SECULAR country. Believe whatever religious claptrap you choose but KEEP IT TO YOURSELF. The Constitution guarantees us Freedom From Religion, (you cannot have Freedom Of yours without Freedom From others’). Even the “In God We Trust” on our currency is unconstitutional, as is the phrase “under God” that a McCarthyist Congress inserted into the Pledge of Allegiance in 1954. Churches being tax exempt violates the 14th Amendment’s guarantee of Equal Protection. It’s time the Government started following the Constitution and stopped kowtowing to the Religious Right!
January 25, 2025 at 9:35 am
You need a pacifier, child.
January 25, 2025 at 9:39 am
And I’ll add that if you don’t like it there’s transportation leaving every minute so commie coountries.
Terri Cage
January 29, 2025 at 8:41 am
First, to Jerry C. Reread your Constitution. Our Founding Fathers were all religious and they were Christians. Does that means that they were wrong? They said the government would “make no law respecting an establishment of religion” meaning they can’t decide you should be a particular faith but rather all faiths allowed. This is why there are so many portions of our government even out money that have religious items on them.
As for everyone else, if you are believing that any one man (except Jesus) can turn this country around in 4 years you are in for a world of disappointment. What happens when those four years are up? And how are you going to do that? By holding a gun to the folks that don’t believe as you do? If you do that you become hypocrites you want your rights but won’t give them to others? And expecting that from an individual as flawed as Donald Trump is, then you are expecting too much, unless perhaps maybe he is the antiChrist, you know the being who seems to be light but deep down is the devil? I don’t know but I seriously doubt anyone could change without force the 60 or 70 years of problems that have built up to this.