Should Ballot Drop Boxes Be Allowed in Future Elections?

Here’s The Scoop
In the 2020 presidential election, all but ten states allowed ballot drop boxes. Sen. Butch Miller (R-GA) believes the drop boxes are too vulnerable to abuse and should be eliminated. Earlier this month, Miller introduced Senate Bill 325 to eliminate drop boxes.
“Drop boxes were introduced as an emergency measure during the pandemic, but many counties did not follow the security guidelines in place, such as the requirement for camera surveillance on every drop box,” Miller said. “Moving forward, we can return to a pre-pandemic normal of voting in person.”
“Removing drop boxes will help rebuild the trust that has been lost. Many see them as the weak link when it comes to securing our elections against fraud. For the small number of Georgians who need to vote absentee, that will remain as easy and accessible as it was before 2020.”
Source: Just The News

Harold Crist
May 19, 2023 at 8:15 am
There should not be no drop box’s nowhere we have voting station for voting and I’d checking to vote to save on voter FRADE