Should Police Be Allowed to Arrest Illegal Immigrants?

Should Police Be Allowed to Arrest Illegal Immigrants?
Here’s the Scoop
The State of Texas is at the heart of a contentious legal battle as civil rights groups, including the ACLU, challenge the constitutionality of Senate Bill 4 (SB4), a new law empowering police to arrest migrants suspected of illegal entry into the United States.
The ACLU of Texas has branded SB4 as the nation’s “most extreme anti-immigration law,” raising alarms about potential racial profiling and harassment.
“SB4 lets police arrest people over ‘suspicions’ about immigration status and judges deport people without due process,” the ACLU stated in an X post, highlighting concerns over the violation of constitutional rights and the disproportionate impact on Black and Brown communities.
Republican Governor Greg Abbott, who signed SB4 in Brownsville, argues that the law is a necessary response to the federal government’s failure to adequately secure the nearly 2,000-mile southern border. Texas has taken bold steps, such as busing over 65,000 migrants to cities across America and installing razor wire along the Rio Grande, in a bid to manage the border crisis.
Fiscal Year 2023 has seen record-breaking numbers, with over 2.4 million migrant encounters, underscoring the scale of the challenge facing border states. The White House has criticized SB4, claiming it “will make communities in Texas less safe.”
As Texas prepares for SB4’s implementation in March, amidst lawsuits and national scrutiny, we ask you, our readers: Should police be allowed to arrest illegal immigrants under state laws like Texas’ SB4? Is this a pragmatic approach to border control, or does it infringe upon civil liberties and federal jurisdiction over immigration enforcement?
Your opinion is crucial in this debate over state vs. federal powers, immigration policy, and the protection of constitutional rights. Vote now and share your view on this divisive and critical issue.
What do you think? Let us know by participating in our poll, or join the discussion in the comment section below!

Wyatt Earp
December 25, 2023 at 8:37 am
ACLU you need to learn the laws. Like other countries that has an enter into their country. America need the same thing. These illegal immigrants are NOT try to come in at the border check point! Because most do not have proper paperwork to enter America. So ACLU get off your high horse and read those ARTICLES IN THE CONSTITUTION LAWS! No it doesn’t say what you thing it say. Words by words it the job of the PRESIDENT to protect the border! So yes Texas has a Right to arrest illegal immigrants that DID NOT CROSS AT CHECK POINT! That call INVADED A COUNTRY LIKE AN ARMY!
Reginald P Zenkewich
December 27, 2023 at 7:42 am
Since when do illegal crossers of our southern border who are not citizens of this America have constitutional rights??????????
December 25, 2023 at 10:26 pm
20 years late Gov. Brown. Not impressed.
December 27, 2023 at 6:22 am
This is an invasion and puts every man woman and child in danger Biden is not fulfilling his oath CLOSE THE BORDER deport them wake up America the more they come the more we the taxpayer have to pay get them out great job Texas
December 27, 2023 at 8:42 am
A big part of policing is to arrest people that break our laws. If people have come into our country illegally,….they have broken our laws. Only an idiot can not understand this simple axiom. Unfortunately we seem to have many of those in our country, most of which call themselves democrats.
James McElreath jr
March 11, 2024 at 1:20 am
Texas is the only border state doing anything to combat the border invasion! From the inception of the NAACP (hence its name), they generally try to fight for unwinnable causes! Case in point, look how long it took to do anything about their problems. Many honorable black people had to die to change our country’s perspective on black issues.
Paul Sr
December 27, 2023 at 6:59 am
This country was founded on misfits, religious persecution and people wanting something better. They boarded ships and made the journey from countries around the world.They arrived at the “border”, if you will…Ellis Island, New York. They “legally” entered this country, settled in, followed the process and became a working part of America. They are American citizens. If people disregard our laws and “illegally” enter our country how can we expect them to value our laws, moral principles or our American foundation. It’s a joke to think they will ever get naturalized. They can’t even be found. Unca Joe and Unca Bama have worked together to create this problem, and we let it happen. If we continue to allow our elected representatives, who are not doing a very good job of representing us, then we deserve what we get. Great job Gov. Abbott and the great state of Texas.
Patricia Ann Moody
December 27, 2023 at 7:34 am
We’re is it!
Patricia Ann Moody
December 27, 2023 at 8:07 am
This country is already in “ASHES “, thanks to OBAMA & BIDEN! Yes we need ; SWAT teams, police & demonic Hunters , who are Slaughtering & disfigurement of innocent Animalssent to help Governor Abbot to fight REAL human Criminas! There are more immagrints, here than real citizens, we are in for a deadly REVOLUTION! The whole word is fighting each other! Other Governments Must stand behind Govenors like Governor Abbot! Of TEXAS!! There is going to be. Very Bloody INVASION!!!
December 27, 2023 at 8:09 am
Regardless of what u call them, they’re criminal illegal aliens who want nothing other than Free, Free, Free! Come legally or u will be deported just as soon as the Trumpster gets back where he belongs! AMERICA FIRST…0le Bernie should be made to pay for them!
Donald R Cook
December 27, 2023 at 8:21 am
it should be against the law, not to arrest them.
December 28, 2023 at 8:26 pm
right on
Mark Smith
December 27, 2023 at 8:37 am
these people are NOT MIGRANTS they are ILLEGALS STOP them at the border and send them back. they are invading America and our Government is allowing this to happen. it’s time to STOP this insane INVASION and either turn them around at the border or send them home in a box or bag. And Joe BIDEN is GUILTY of TREASON for allowing this to continue
Larry DuVall
December 27, 2023 at 10:29 am
To whom it may concern ACLU Since when DO ILLEGALS THAT INTER THE UNITED STATES Illegally Through Our Southern BORDERS Those people do not have legal right to be here. Because of Biden and Obama, our country has got openSouthern border. The ACLU should be Ashamed of yourself. You want to represent people that are not even legally supposed to be here. It makes me wonder. Are you people legally here? My ancestors come to this country through The 13 colonies. The other part of my family were here. I have native Indian History. So I guess we are legal Americans. The people coming from the Southern border are not good people. Some are some Are not good people. I think y’all need to find a different fight.
December 27, 2023 at 11:05 am
What part of criminal do you not understand?!?! What part of illegal do you not understand?!?!
steve crawford
December 28, 2023 at 10:25 pm
What part of illegal does the supporters of open border they do not understand. The million plus immigrants enter the USA via the borders, many with no skills, finance, education, don’t speak English, need medical care and some have criminal background. Many illegal immigrants will commit crimes to survive. How can the small towns support their needs. The ACLU should take the lead to provide the needs for the illegal immigrants.
James McElreath Jr
January 2, 2024 at 12:13 am
Damn right, It is about time the Biden Regime gets help protecting our borders, like it or not! Biden’s threat to sue Texas is as stupid as his stating our border is secure! Those in cahoots with the Executive branch are as complicit as he is in not protecting our borders.
Rob Schuler
January 19, 2024 at 2:38 pm
They need to be arrested and sent home for the option of coming back the legal way. They are not all criminally minded; however, they are breaking the law. The Americans are arrested for breaking the laws why not everyone? On another note, why is there diplomatic immunity? I have heard to protect our people in other countries. Well, if they break laws then they need to be punished, only fair.
otto safranek
February 22, 2024 at 12:31 pm
if they brake the law…u bet.
otto safranek
February 22, 2024 at 12:34 pm
send them back home.