Do You Believe Biden is Risking Nuclear War with Russia by Restricting Communication?

Do You Believe Biden is Risking Nuclear War with Russia by Restricting Communication?
Here’s The Scoop
Tucker Carlson, a prominent voice in conservative media, has taken a bold step by traveling to Moscow to interview Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov. Carlson has voiced his concern that the lack of communication between the U.S. and Russia is dangerously pushing the world toward a potential nuclear conflict. He also expressed frustration with the U.S. government for blocking his attempts to interview Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, arguing that Americans deserve to hear both sides of the story.
As President Joe Biden’s administration appears to be hurtling toward a possible nuclear confrontation with Russia, Carlson highlighted the absence of “back channel” diplomacy reminiscent of Cold War strategies that successfully averted disaster in the past. In a trailer for the upcoming interview with Lavrov, Carlson described the conversation as “absolutely fascinating,” touching on critical issues like Russian-U.S. relations and the ongoing conflict in Ukraine.
The Russian Foreign Ministry confirmed the interview, noting its extensive length and the need for translation before it airs. Lavrov reportedly reiterated Russia’s stance on the Ukraine conflict, accusing Ukraine of committing terrorist acts against civilians—a narrative often pushed by Moscow.
This interview marks Carlson’s continued effort to provide a platform for voices often sidelined by mainstream media. Despite criticism from legacy media outlets for his previous interview with Russian President Vladimir Putin, Carlson defended his actions as part of his journalistic duty to inform the public. He has been equally determined to interview Zelensky, but claims that the U.S. government has obstructed these efforts, allegedly instructing the American embassy in Kyiv to prevent such an interview while allowing access to left-leaning outlets like CNN.
The importance of open communication is a central theme in Carlson’s remarks, both for journalistic transparency and for preventing nuclear escalation. He expressed alarm at the lack of dialogue between Washington and Moscow, stating that Secretary of State Tony Blinken has severed all contact with Russian officials, a move Carlson finds “shocking.”
Carlson also criticized the Biden administration for its aggressive stance, suggesting that recent U.S. military actions in Russia are escalating tensions to levels not seen since the Cuban Missile Crisis. He warned that most Americans are unaware that the U.S. is effectively in an undeclared war with Russia.
The interview with Lavrov is expected to be released soon, promising to shed light on these pressing issues. Lavrov, a seasoned diplomat, has been a key figure in Russia’s efforts to counter Western support for Ukraine, often issuing threats of retaliation. He has also criticized President Biden for attempting to complicate matters for the incoming administration, suggesting that Biden is deliberately creating obstacles for President Trump’s anticipated second term.
As the world watches these developments unfold, Carlson’s efforts to provide a platform for alternative perspectives remain crucial in ensuring that all sides of the story are heard.
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December 18, 2024 at 10:09 am
Biden is apparently on”his last legs physically , mentally and mentally and wants the rest of America to go down with him. He should be stopped or placed in a mental home before he creates a crisis for Trump.!
Jerry C.
December 18, 2024 at 6:23 pm
Absolutely not! Putin is an a$$h0le, not an imbecile. He knows full well what a nuclear war would do and how everyone would lose – and that Russia would lose more than anyone else.