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Should Streaming Services (Netflix, Hulu, etc.) Allow Password Sharing?

Should Streaming Services (Netflix, Hulu, etc.) Allow Password Sharing?

Here’s The Scoop

The streaming giants Disney+, Hulu, and ESPN+ have decided to wage war on American families by restricting password sharing starting next month. These platforms, which have already been squeezing hardworking Americans with price hikes, are now targeting the very essence of family values: sharing.

From March 14, these streaming services will impose limitations on shared accounts outside of a household. This move, which reeks of greed and control, follows the user agreement updates on January 25.

The agreement terms state, “You agree not to impersonate or misrepresent your affiliation with any person or entity, including using another person’s username, password or other account information, or another person’s name or likeness, or provide false details for a parent or guardian.”

Netflix, the pioneer of this anti-sharing crusade, saw a record increase of over 13 million subscribers in the last year’s fourth quarter, bringing its total subscribers to over 260 million. Clearly, this profit-driven move has inspired other streaming services to follow suit.

Disney, not satisfied with the massive profits it already rakes in, announced a 27% price increase for its ad-free streaming service beginning October 12. The ad-supported tier remains at $7.99-a-month, while the Disney+ and Hulu bundle costs $9.99 a month. Consequently, Disney+ lost approximately 7.7 million subscribers, a 7.4% decrease from the previous quarter.

ESPN+ also jumped on the price hike bandwagon, raising its price by a dollar after announcing a “cost savings” measure that involved laying off several commentators. It seems that these streaming services are more interested in lining their pockets than supporting American families and their values.

What do you think? Let us know by participating in our poll, or join the discussion in the comment section below!




  1. KC

    February 15, 2024 at 7:49 am

    We watch our grandson while my daughter works. She gets one streaming service and we get a different one so he can watch the shows he wants. We don’t watch the streaming services unless he is here. She doesn’t watch them while she is at work. With each of us paying for one, it is doable. Why should we each have to pay for two when it is the same person using them – just at two locations?

    • Ricky Kirkland

      February 15, 2024 at 8:02 am

      I agree with you completely. My mother-in-law Baby Sits our grandchildren at times and they watch Disney Plus while there.
      She doesn’t watch it unless they are there. I have an Amazon Firestick with Disney plus, Netflix and a few other services we subscribe to on it and we take it with us on trips so we can watch the shows we like in the Hotel. That is out of the household and we don’t pay extra for that and should not pay for using the service at another home.

  2. Denise

    February 15, 2024 at 5:58 pm

    They should license a set number of users – It shouldn’t matter where those users are. Period.

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