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Will Ron DeSantis Win the GOP Nomination for 2024?

Will Ron DeSantis Win the GOP Nomination for 2024?

Here’s The Scoop

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis is proving to be a formidable contender for the GOP nomination in 2024. After coming in second place in the Iowa caucuses, DeSantis declared that he had a path forward, despite being the target of more political attack ads than any other candidate in the race.

“They threw everything but the kitchen sink at us,” DeSantis told supporters in West Des Moines. “They spent almost $50 million attacking us. No one’s faced that much all the way just through Iowa. The media was against us. They were writing our obituary months ago.”

The governor pointed out the mainstream media’s eagerness to declare Trump the winner of the caucus before voting had even started in many areas.

“They were just so excited about the fact that they were predicting that we wouldn’t be able to get our ticket punched here out of Iowa,” he said.

But DeSantis persevered, and with the support of his loyal base, he managed to get his “ticket punched out of Iowa.” He vowed to do everything he could to protect “the sacred fire of liberty” that America’s Founding Fathers ignited.


DeSantis thanked his supporters for their efforts, stating, “You helped us get a ticket punched out of the Hawkeye State. We have a lot of work to do, but I can tell you this as the next president of the United States: I am going to get the job done for this country.”

“I am not going to make any excuses,” he concluded. “And I guarantee you this: I will not let you down. Thank you. God bless you.”

With DeSantis’ determination and commitment to conservative values, the GOP nomination for 2024 is certainly within reach.

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  1. Rob Schuler

    January 19, 2024 at 2:12 pm

    Nope with all the books and other freedoms he has attacked. Reasonable people would not vote for him.

  2. Mike Diggs

    January 23, 2024 at 7:08 am

    Little late as he dropped out of the race. Rob you’re not reasonable as he hasn’t attacked any freedoms except for the ones attacking kids innocence. Perverts were placing porn in elementary schools, stripping in front of kids.

    • Betsy

      January 23, 2024 at 8:01 am

      Mike, do you ever think for yourself or do you just repeat unsubstantiated stuff that others have told you? Can you cite a reputable source where “porn” was “placed” in elementary schools and stripping in front of kids?

  3. Old Man

    January 23, 2024 at 10:03 am

    It’s water under the bridge now.

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