Foreign Policy
Should Americans Be Worried About Nuclear War?
President Joe Biden said Americans should not worry about a nuclear war after Moscow put its nuclear deterrent on high alert…

Here’s the Scoop
President Joe Biden said Americans should not worry about a nuclear war after Moscow put its nuclear deterrent on high alert amid a barrage of sanctions over Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.
In response to a question about whether U.S. citizens should be concerned about a nuclear war breaking out, Biden said “no.” He was responding to a shouted question at the end of an event at the White House.
White House officials said earlier in the day the United States sees no reason to change its nuclear alert levels at this time, a point press secretary Jen Psaki reiterated during her briefing with reporters.
“We are assessing President Putin’s directive and at this time, we see no reasons to change our own alert levels,” Psaki said.
Source: Reuters

April 1, 2022 at 10:51 am
World war lll will come,. I think Biden handed Afghanistan over to Muslim talaban, to help China and talaban unite and build their military together. In future they will strike U.S. and maybe Russia with them. Biden and his team will hand over U.S. to Communist China,. There’s your new world order,. Dictatorship
April 24, 2023 at 12:45 pm
Yes, things are looking that way. Russia is gradually working on getting back the countries that made up the Soviet Union and China is inching up to acquire all the islands and lands in Southeast Asia spreading it’s empire. And both countries are building up their military. Most of the former Soviet Union countries are now members of Nato and US has an agreement with Taiwan and the Philippines to defend them if China attacks. Unless a peace accord is accomplished, we will have another war. God forbid. Pray!
May 12, 2023 at 8:19 pm
Whether America and the rest of the world can survive a nuclear war is relatively unimportant in the minds of individuals and nations who want their self-serving, undemocratic way about everything. The rulers of heavily populated and militarily powerful countries like China and Russia care less about what humanity would consider to be in its best interests. Their elitist, minority-driven governments are far more concerned with being in control, with ramming their wants down the throats of their neighbors, their far-off rivals, and even their own citizens than with enhancing the quality of life for everyone. God, who created us all with imperfect reasoning and with the same tendency toward selfishness that He tolerated in Cain’s resentment of Abel, will not step in and remove the weapons from the hands of the power-hungry. He’ll instead allow free human will to have its way and will sort the wheat from the chaff in the afterlife. Meanwhile, let’s all do our collective best to encourage the good and to foil both obvious and costumed evil in forms like America’s Communist, Socialist and Democratic political parties. Let’s each do our part to support and nurture the most well-formed and historically accomplished constitutional government in man’s stay on this planet.