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Do Democrats Take Minority Voters for Granted?

Do Democrats Take Minority Voters for Granted?

Here’s The Scoop

Former Baltimore Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake dropped a bombshell on CNN’s Anderson Cooper, admitting that Democrats are guilty of taking minority voters “for granted.”

Meanwhile, Donald Trump is making strides where Democrats fear to tread, speaking directly to the “hearts and minds” of minority voters at his recent South Bronx rally.

Rawlings-Blake didn’t hold back, warning that “Democrats ignore, um, Trump’s outreach to minority voters at their peril.”

Trump’s message of unity—“it doesn’t matter what color your skin is, we are all Americans”—is resonating with black and Hispanic voters, a group that Biden has notably failed to secure, losing 12% support from black voters since 2020.

Trump’s rally in Cortona Park was no accident.

As Rawlings-Blake pointed out, “He went to the boogie down Bronx…He went there because he knows if you go to the Bronx, it’s a message that it’s a place that resonates with people, particularly African Americans.”

The turnout was much larger than the Biden campaign would like, and it’s clear that Trump’s “on message” approach is making a significant impact.

CNN’s Kristen Holmes highlighted that Trump’s strategy is paying off.

“Turnout is certainly much larger than the Biden campaign would like, given that this is one of the bluest counties in the entire country.”

Trump is making a play for minority voters, and the polling data shows movement in his favor, especially among black and Latino men.

Rawlings-Blake’s candid comments should serve as a wake-up call for Democrats.

“Trump has a way of keying into peoples’, that, you know, the things that make them angry. The, uh, how they feel like they’re being taken advantage of.”

As Trump continues to speak to voters’ real-life concerns—jobs, infrastructure, and a struggling economy—Democrats need to reevaluate their approach before it’s too late.

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  1. Nick Drabin

    June 3, 2024 at 10:30 am

    Yes , and so do Republicans !!!
    That’s what is called Democracy!!!

    In an American REPUBLIC ,




    NOT “BRANDEN” !!!

  2. Frank Eckert

    June 9, 2024 at 8:38 am

    Trump would not be for anyone but himself. All his life has been “me, me me”. He never puts forth policy he always yells that everything is rigged against him! He is an orange fool!

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