Is the Mainstream Media Trying to Discredit RFK Jr.?
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. recently spoke out about the “smears” against him, saying that they’re aimed at silencing his 2024 presidential bid…

Is the Mainstream Media Trying to Discredit RFK Jr.?
Here’s the Scoop
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. recently spoke out about the “smears” against him, saying that they’re aimed at silencing his 2024 presidential bid.
RFK Jr., who’s challenging President Joe Biden for the Democratic nomination, addressed the matter during a congressional hearing on Thursday.
“In my entire life, I have never uttered a phrase that was either racist or antisemitic,” Kennedy said.
RFK Jr. said that anyone claiming otherwise is just trying to censor him “through smears, misinterpretations of what I said, through lies.”
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Maria Jocella
July 22, 2023 at 6:31 am
I believe him. In my opinion, RFK Jr. is a good man with strong values, believes in freedom and rights for all, not just for the dem’s and is not on the same page with most democrats who are all about WOKE ideologies, and corruption is no problem for most of them. RFK Jr. is not one of those, but has good ideas and if you have ever read any of the articles in his site called Children’s Defense , you will understand why the media is after him to smear him, thus eliminating him as a serious contender for the presidential race. As we know, the media and the democrats always try to discredit anyone who doesn’t fit their mold of corruption.
Audrey Spaulding
July 27, 2023 at 6:02 pm
I agree!! Why are we being censored if we disagree with Joe Biden ! Biden is a horrible example of what a President should be! He has full on Dementia! He is confused! Can’t walk up or down the stairs. He is supposed to be a free thinker ! He is beyond help at this point ! White House Drs have warned the White House of what is going on ! Warned the White House that Joe is not fit to be running this Country! White House has shut their thinking down !why doesn’t the First Lady have her Witt’s about her ! She refuses to acknowledge that she is responsible for what he does or does do
Carol C Powell
July 29, 2023 at 1:22 pm
MSM is only concerned with the crooked liar in the WH
July 30, 2023 at 11:08 am
Gunny Gil
August 7, 2023 at 9:33 pm
Right Jerry. Impeach, Charge, Convict of TREASON and murder, then hang them on the White HOuse
August 4, 2023 at 10:21 am
RFK Jr. is a man who I would “NEVER” vote for! I do NOT care what is said about him, I will NOT vote for this man to take the reins of this nation! There are many reasons, but the one that stands out is what his Uncle did when he took office as President, and many people followed! (You figure that out!)
Gunny Gil
August 7, 2023 at 9:32 pm
And the reason is that Biden crime family has the media by the balls and anyone of them that does not have awesome security will eventually loose their lives and families lives
Garry R Brewster
August 8, 2023 at 8:24 pm
The Kennedy family should have RFK jr committed he is a lune. He is taunting every conspiracy theory out there that has been discredited.
Peter Lyons
August 17, 2023 at 5:12 pm
Any Democrat is better than Biden/Harris ticket. Biden , Jill and Hunter and their ring of corruption should all be in prison