Should Taxpayers Be Responsible For The Migrant Crisis?

Should Taxpayers Be Responsible For The Migrant Crisis?
Here’s the Scoop
As America grapples with an escalating migrant crisis, the burden on taxpayers is coming into sharp focus. A shocking new report from House Republicans unveils a staggering potential cost of up to $451 billion, thrust upon American taxpayers due to policies enacted under DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas.
This crisis, marked by a surge of illegal migrants at our Southwest border, raises a crucial question: Should hard-working American taxpayers shoulder this colossal financial burden?
The report lays bare the stark reality: Each taxpayer could be responsible for an average of $956 due to illegal immigration. This figure, drawn from a meticulous examination of federal and state records, alongside various public sources, paints a troubling picture of spiraling costs in housing, education, and law enforcement, compounded by the devastating toll of the opioid crisis, largely driven by fentanyl smuggled across the border.
With the number of illegal migrants in the U.S. estimated between 16.8 and 29 million, and 3.8 million having entered under the current administration, the fiscal impact is undeniable.
The question now is whether the American citizen should bear this financial weight. Should taxpayers be held responsible for the migrant crisis, a consequence of policies they may not support?
Cast your vote and let your voice be heard in this critical debate that strikes at the heart of America’s financial and national security.
What do you think? Let us know by participating in our poll, or join the discussion in the comment section below!

November 18, 2023 at 6:45 am
Send ALL the ILLEGALS home to their country of origin! STOP BLEEDING US, N!@@ERS!!!!!!
Ricky Bendele
November 18, 2023 at 7:44 am
Send illegals back secure the boarders
November 18, 2023 at 9:16 am
I agree with previous comments any money spent should be for eporting ILLEGALS HOME. America should also eliminate the birth citizenship law this only opens the acceptance for illegal relatives to come in. I would also like to see ICE AGENCY receive additional monies for rounding up and deporting ILLEGALS
November 18, 2023 at 9:37 am
Let Soros pay for them.
November 18, 2023 at 9:47 am
First of all, deport all illegal immigrants. Secondly, any expenses involved should be paid for by Joe Biden, Obama, the politicians behind this illegal invasion from their PERSONAL funds. Chances are those funds were obtained from bribes anyway.
November 18, 2023 at 10:39 am
Good plan…so, what’s the next step?
Joseph William Stamper
November 18, 2023 at 9:54 am
Export all illegals and close all borders
November 18, 2023 at 10:34 am
Most of us are voting NO to this question, myself included, but truth is, it’s gonna cost money to clean this up and our government doesn’t have any money. But, they do have access to OUR money through taxes in the form of Appropriated Funding. So, we’re gonna pay for this, no matter what we think or want. The problem is, we have inept and currupt politicians watching over our money and that’s like putting a child in charge of the candy store then leaving them alone to do whatever they want with regard to the candy. The solution to this issue, and all other funding issues, is to hold our politicians accountable and boot them out if they are not honest and efficient. If we don’t do something in that regard, our country is gonna go down the drain…and that time is upon us.
Hatin illegals
November 18, 2023 at 11:25 am
The .64% yes votes must be illegals.
November 18, 2023 at 5:16 pm
Americans (mainly the Conservative Voters): Hello. Serve the bills to obiden and mayorkas. Take it out of their ill-gotten paychecks.
Scotty P
November 18, 2023 at 5:24 pm
No, and Biden should be hung as a traitor to the country! I’ll never say “he’s NOT my president”, because OBVIOUSLY he is(and that makes you sound like a moron!), I just say – but “I” didn’t vote for him!
Jerry C.
November 18, 2023 at 6:54 pm
Shut down the enforcement division of the BATFE and transfer all it’s field agents to ICE and make them start enforcing the damn law! Round ’em up & ship ’em back!
I Austin
November 18, 2023 at 9:10 pm
Absolutely No!!! We don’t want Illegal Migrants in USA, send all of them where they came from. Must Impeach Joe Biden, he is a FAKE PRESIDENT and we need to RESTORE THE REAL PRESIDENT Donald J. Trump. TRUMP WON 2020 ELECTION !!!
Jackie Jackels
November 19, 2023 at 12:02 am
It’s just wrong what Joe Biden has done with our Southern Border “ to get the vote “. Remember all the chatter about voting? Lower the age, let non citizens vote, voter ID with picture? You don’t hear it anymore. They have succeeded in bringing 3.5 million more residents to take care of as they sign up to be a Democrat. I think Joe Biden should be impeached for human trafficking!