Should We Restore Patriotic Education in Our Schools?
The narratives about America being pushed by the far-left and being chanted in the streets bear a striking resemblance to the anti-American propaganda of our adversaries — because both groups want to see America weakened, derided, and totally diminished. The only path to national unity is through our shared identity as Americans. That is why it is so urgent that we finally restore patriotic education to our schools. From Washington to Lincoln, from Jefferson to King, America has been home to some of the most incredible people who have ever lived. With the help of everyone here today, the legacy of 1776 will never be erased. Our heroes will never be forgotten. Our youth will be taught to love America with all of their heart and all of their soul.

Here’s the Scoop
“The narratives about America being pushed by the far-left and being chanted in the streets bear a striking resemblance to the anti-American propaganda of our adversaries — because both groups want to see America weakened, derided, and totally diminished. The only path to national unity is through our shared identity as Americans. That is why it is so urgent that we finally restore patriotic education to our schools. From Washington to Lincoln, from Jefferson to King, America has been home to some of the most incredible people who have ever lived. With the help of everyone here today, the legacy of 1776 will never be erased. Our heroes will never be forgotten. Our youth will be taught to love America with all of their heart and all of their soul.”
– Former President Donald Trump

David Corno
December 23, 2021 at 12:37 am
So why are people voting no is this a survey of liberals only?
September 13, 2023 at 10:29 am
Liberals for decades have been digging like rats into public and college education curriculum, seeding the very ideas of socialism and communism into the fabric of our young before their brains have fully matured.
Just follow history, Marx, Stalin, Hitler, Mussolini, Moe, and today Obama and Biden. The socialistic way is all for those in charge and non for the common man or women who have been regimented to simply living on the crumbs given by the aristocrats.
The Kremlin is a prime example of the haves and have not’s. The aristocrats have special stores in which only they are allowed to shop for luxury foods and specialty goods. While the populous are regulated to meager products in stores having little.
Yes this is the Obama and Biden way, both live lavish. Obama did not even own a home when he came to the Washington, today he has multi millions, as does Biden, both living of the fat of the American population.
Yes this is the idea of the democrats. But they blindly follow the guy that one day will be their Hitler.
Lazara ana Rodriguez
May 9, 2024 at 12:13 pm
History is very important that teach us how good we are how many mistakes we committed and try to mend them by not committing again that create love for the patriots, love for the place you were born. Patriots love is a fountain of imitation, but have to be based in real truth, false stories. like those Biden creates for himself must be punish severly. They are destroying the medal of freedom placing it on Pelosi, Shumer and others. Corrupt politicians may not receive it. ana lazara