Should Marijuana Convictions Be Erased?
Thousands of residents with “low-level” cannabis convictions will have their records automatically cleared in 2023…

Should Marijuana Convictions Be Erased?
Here’s the Scoop
Thousands of residents with “low-level” cannabis convictions will have their records automatically cleared in 2023.
On Jan. 1, 2023, roughly 44,000 Connecticut residents “will have low-level cannabis convictions automatically erased.”
Gov. Ned Lamont (D-CT) cited the state’s cannabis legalization bill, which was enacted last year.
Under the “Clean Slate law,” the residents are also now legally able to declare that the convictions never happened.
“Residents who have had their records erased may tell employers, landlords, and schools that the conviction never occurred,” state officials said.
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Source: The Blaze

Steven Elston
July 29, 2023 at 8:43 am
Legalize the drugs they are here to stay, then law enforcement can save countless man hours and concentrate on harmful lawbreakers, and collect millions in taxes on the drugs. look at any police TV show, 95% of the time the cops are looking for drugs, legalized drug salon Forssman can go after real crimes. Overall drugs help people survive day by day leave them alone, And go after real criminals hurting real people!
August 4, 2023 at 8:00 am
You and Judith need to grow up. Having had experience with many pot users who smoked so much they killed their brains I don’t want ANY of them driving on our highways. One was a prof in college that lost it all by smoking heavily….and several others who caused auto accidents.
Judith Barbour
August 4, 2023 at 6:30 am
This is why good and decent people hate conservatives. Keep you nose out of others’ personal business. These are the kinds of moron conservatives who do ZERO research and mind the business of others. They’re the kinds of conservatives who think if a woman has short hair, she’s a lesbian, and so on. Disgusting. Hope all the NO voters get their jabs and boosters. God will be judging THEM for being uninformed and judging others–wrongly, I might add.
August 4, 2023 at 10:13 am
against the Law is still illegal and should be punished per the law! NOW, IF someone wants to give MERCY, OK! But,…..when has the govt ever used Mercy as a tool? It usually has money tied to the event!