Should “Porch Pirates” Face Harsher Penalties?

Here’s The Scoop
Rep. Wendi Thomas (R-PA) wants to increase penalties for so-called porch pirates — people who steal packages off of people’s porches.
“As we’ve come to depend on commerce by mail in this digital age, package theft is growing, and that’s creating a need for a law specifically aimed at ‘porch piracy’ to more accurately reflect our societal values and deter these thieves through increased criminal penalties,” said Bucks County District Attorney Matt Weintraub.
The legislation introduced by Thomas and Weintraub would create penalties for mail theft involving a package, bag, or letter, resulting in a summary charge for a first offense involving merchandise valued at less than $150. If the merchandise is worth more than $150, or the act is a second offense, the potential penalty would increase to a second-degree misdemeanor. A third offense under the legislation would result in a third-degree felony, regardless of value.
Source: Just The News