Domestic Policy
Do You Agree with J.K. Rowling That Transgender Identities Are Socially Imposed on Kids?

Do You Agree with J.K. Rowling That Transgender Identities Are Socially Imposed on Kids?
Here’s The Scoop
J.K. Rowling, the renowned author of the Harry Potter series and an outspoken advocate for women’s rights, has once again sparked a heated debate with her recent comments on social media. In a series of posts, she boldly asserted that the concept of transgender children is a myth, stating, “There are no trans kids. No child is ‘born in the wrong body.'”
Rowling’s remarks came as a response to accusations of promoting a “hateful focus on trans kids.” She argued that it is adults who are pushing an ideology that could potentially harm minors. “There are only adults like you, prepared to sacrifice the health of minors to bolster your belief in an ideology that will end up wreaking more harm than lobotomies and false memory syndrome combined,” she declared.
The author further criticized the influence of social media, suggesting that platforms like TikTok are misleading children into believing they are transgender. When a user on X blamed parents for the trend, Rowling pointed out that children are being exposed to videos promoting body modification and that some schools are affirming children’s transgender identities without parental consent. She highlighted a disturbing instance where a UK charity sent breast binders to young girls without informing their parents.
Rowling expressed concern over the pressures parents face in protecting their children from a cultural movement that suggests puberty-related anxieties can be resolved through lifelong medical interventions. She warned of the severe consequences of transgender medical procedures, including infertility and a dependency on hormones.
In addition to her comments on transgender children, Rowling has been a vocal critic of allowing transgender individuals to compete in women’s sports, citing that male athletes claiming to be female have unfairly taken hundreds of medals from women.
Despite facing significant backlash and threats from the far-left, Rowling’s influence remains strong. HBO has reaffirmed its partnership with her, moving forward with new Harry Potter projects, undeterred by calls from woke activists to sever ties.
Supporting her stance, the British national health system recently announced a ban on puberty blockers and other transgender procedures for minors, lending further credibility to Rowling’s concerns.
Rowling’s unwavering dedication to protecting women’s rights and questioning the transgender agenda continues to resonate with many who share her views.
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jonathan H. Edwards
January 11, 2025 at 11:56 am
Male and Female only. By design.
January 11, 2025 at 1:59 pm
There are mutations so I can’t totally agree with her. In the case of most transgender children, it is a learned behavior. Parents should train children. Not give into their every whim.
Jerry C.
January 11, 2025 at 7:46 pm
If you believe to be true that which is demonstrably false, you are suffering from a delusion. A delusion is a form of mental illness. If a man truly believes himself to be Napoleon, he is delusional. If a man truly believes himself to be a woman he, also, is delusional. Treat the mental illness to relieve the man of his delusion, don’t cater to that delusion and help that man cause irreparable harm to himself – THAT is the doctors real duty to the patient! It should be done in a clinical setting, too, because when one’s delusion is suddenly broken out in the real world it often engenders a violent reaction, sometimes to the level of a full-on psychotic break. STOP treating fantasy as reality and STOP trying to force the rest of us to concede to it. Quit trying to normalize aberrant belief & behavior while demonizing “normal”!
Sick n tired
January 13, 2025 at 6:25 pm
I do agree. I do not think that children are born predisposed to be the opposite of who they were born to be. It is their parents who force feed them their agendas. In the past 4 years we have experienced our young children being read to by transgendered people. Those people were scantily dressed, lots of horrible makeup and sexual dancing with the children. Normalizing that behavior. Then you have liberal schools teaching our kindergarten children the art of oral sex and masturbation! It is good that adults are speaking out about how abhorrent all of this is/was. I hope it has stopped. It made me sick that our innocent children who have no idea and don’t care about those things, are having it shoved down their throats to be something they are not. then as they get older, have to deal with the fact that they were born a boy, but their parents made them a girl, but they want to play football and date girls but can’t because they parents chose for them. I think that should be a crime against humanity.