Domestic Policy
Do You Support Red Flag Laws That Allow Temporary Gun Confiscation For Those Deemed A Threat?

Do You Support Red Flag Laws That Allow Temporary Gun Confiscation For Those Deemed A Threat?
Here’s the Scoop
The Second Amendment stands as one of America’s bedrock principles, a guardian of freedom in the homeland.
But now, the contentious debate over red flag laws is reaching a fever pitch.
These laws could permit the temporary confiscation of firearms from individuals flagged as potential threats, without due process.
Proponents call it a safety measure; critics see a grave assault on constitutional rights.
Where do you stand in this fight for the future of the Second Amendment?
Do you support the red flag laws, or do you see them as a slippery slope eroding the bedrock of American liberty?
Cast your vote and let your voice ring out in defense of our rights.
What do you think? Let us know by participating in our poll, or join the discussion in the comment section below!

November 14, 2023 at 7:26 am
Innocent people carrying large sums of cash for completely legitimate reasons have had their Money confiscated when many times it was their whole life savings and they are still fighting in court to get it back. Once guns are removed, simply, on one’s say so, it will become difficult or almost impossible to have their property returned. The current administration does not want anyone ever to own a firearm, and this is just another way to justify that ends.
November 14, 2023 at 7:57 am
Start taking guns away for one thing then it never ends, oh you sent out a mean tweet we can now take your guns away for that too. NO the Second Amendment is there for a Reason, to keep WE the PEOPLE in Control of our Government not the Government in control of We the PEOPLE
Jim Chin
November 14, 2023 at 9:00 am
The red flag laws are well intentioned. However the gun owner should go before a judge before guns are confiscated to determine if confiscating guns is appropriate. Additionally there needs to be penalties for those who falsely accuse persons . Finally court costs and lawyers fees should be borne by anyone judged to make false claims.
November 14, 2023 at 9:08 am
Instead of new laws, why doesn’t law enforcement enforce the laws already on the books. When a criminal is arrested, the first law dealt away is the gun law. We need MANDATORY prison time for anyone using a gun in commission of a crime. Red flag? that would allow someone to remove another’s 2nd amendment rights to enforce a grudge or dislike of a person.
Puckmeister Casey
November 14, 2023 at 3:42 pm
Enforce the laws on the books! Put people in Jail that are criminals and put those with mental issues in hospitals
Jerry C.
November 14, 2023 at 5:03 pm
I’m not for any legislated infringement of a Constitutional right, let alone legislation that infringes on multiple rights at one time. Unless & until a person shall have been found guilty, in a court of law, of a disqualifying offense the State has no legal authority under the Constitution to deprive them of ANY rights.
Joseph William Stamper
November 15, 2023 at 10:34 am
The government has been looking to take firearms away from citizens, this would be a way to do so and call it legal…
Everyone would become in the government eyes a threat!
I love Freedom
November 28, 2023 at 11:30 pm
Most citizens are a threat to the government. They’ll do everything possible to punish those who disagree with their left wing ideas. Just think through the last few years, how many rights have been taken away. Mandated masks, Vaccines mandated for anyone who worked for the government. Soldiers discharged from serving for refusing to take the vaccines, Medical staff mandated to take vaccines, school children were forced to take vaccine or can’t attend school. Businesses closed. Government telling us what we should eat, trying to ban meat, what cars we can drive, what appliances we can’t have, what we heat our homes with. Spying on our citizens, infiltrating Catholic churches to spy, investigating parents at school board meetings.There are many more I could name. I’m sure any reader can come up with more. Taking away our firearms would just be the beginning. If citizens were disarmed just think how intrusive and aggressive our government will become. They have already politicized our justice system.
James G. Mothes
November 15, 2023 at 12:54 pm
The sad part of all this is: They will treat your prized collection like firewood. They will not store them properly, nor let you keep them from rusting. It will take years to get them back, and thousands of dollars in attorney fees. AND, they will be ruined forever. Whatever happened to the term Innocent till proven? guilty. You will never be able to face your accuser in court. They will just cave your door in the dark of night, terrorize your family take your stuff, and probably kill your guard dog in the process. Yes, we live in a great country!!!!!!!!!!!!
I love Freedom
November 28, 2023 at 11:59 pm
We did live in a great country. We can gain back what we’ve lost if we educate ourselves to what our government is doing to destroy this country. It’s going to take more than one term for things to come back to common sense. It’s going to take a committment from all citizens to fight for our freedoms and it will take more than 4 or 8 years to rid this country of socialism. Help get the vote out in 2024 if we want to get rid of the socialists in our government, colleges, and primary and high schools. We need to slow down these ridiculous climate control mandates. Look closely at the people who run for representatives and senators. Find out as much as possible about their views. Choose carefully in 2024, it will be our last chance before we are a socialist country with a dictator as president. Vote wisely.