Domestic Policy
Should U.S. Passports Include a Third Gender Option?
As of April 11, Americans can select a third gender option when applying for a passport…
Should U.S. Passports Include a Third Gender Option?
Here’s the Scoop
As of April 11, Americans can select a third gender option when applying for a passport.
“We’re setting a precedent as the first US federal government agency to offer the ‘X’ gender marker on an identity document,” said Douglass Benning, principal deputy assistant secretary for consular affairs at the State Department.
“The provision of an ‘X’ gender marker option is important because human beings do not always fit within a male or female category around the world, the lived realities of transgender intersex, non-binary and gender-nonconforming persons reflects that there is a wider spectrum of humanity than is represented by a binary sex designation on passports,” said Jessica Stern, U.S. Special Envoy to Advance the Human Rights of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer and Intersex (LGBTQI+) Persons.
What do you think? Do you support the State Department’s decision to include a third gender option on U.S. passports? Let us know with your vote!
Source: Fox News
July 15, 2023 at 6:15 am
This is just the same of putting a star of David on your clothes, as they did with the Jewish people in the 40’s✡️✡️✡️
Dee Volushun
August 6, 2023 at 6:23 am
Maybe someone who marks X will commit a crime, such a murdering one of the people who were part of this decision and be unable to be caught for lack of an accurate description. That’d be poetic justice. This self-indulgent crap has gotten way out of hand.
August 6, 2023 at 7:47 am
How many other countries would accept this foolishness.
August 6, 2023 at 9:14 am
Science dictates that there are ONLY 2 genders!! FACT!!!!! God told noah to take one of each species and one of each gender to repopulate after the flood!!!!!! There were not all these so called genders!!! The stupidity needs to stop but what do you expect from one of the dumbest presidents/ vice presidents EVER!!
August 6, 2023 at 10:13 am
Oscar S. Ramirez
August 6, 2023 at 1:44 pm
Sex is binary.
August 6, 2023 at 3:23 pm
The passport should read “gender assigned at birth.” Genders are assigned by God, not some asinine liberal judge.